Friday, February 9, 2018

Shaggy Waves - Gt Woman Somebody To Manly Somebody Pilus Conversion

It has been a spell since I shared a pilus alongside all of you. I estimate I bring had no postulate to brand a lot of them given that at that spot are to a greater extent than people working on content for guys these days (great tidings all around). However, when I got GT, I was non enamoured alongside whatever of the hairs on my favourite sim. I took a expect at the woman individual hairs together with spotted this beauty that was ripe for conversion. So the outset thing I did alongside the EP was non play it, but convert this pilus XD It comes inwards all EA colours, together with you lot bring the pick of downloading it alongside my natural shades. I bring canned the unnaturals because they appear to last hitting or missy depending on the pilus texture. There is a piffling clipping which comes from these sorts of conversions, together with then last aware of that. Hair clips non affair what, together with then it is a tricky thing to fix. It is a piffling to a greater extent than noticeable on sims that bring real narrow necks  and are actually skinny alongside no musculus mass. I left it as-is because it actually doesn't detract from this awesome pilus for me.

Just a piffling note: this is non a basegame compatible hair. EA implemented coding similar inwards TS2 together with TS3 where content cloned from EP's are exclusively usable yesteryear the people that ain that item pack. So to role this hair, YOU REQUIRE Get Together (it does non postulate to last installed though). I bring no motivation to brand this basegame compatible (not to cry the legal ramifications of converting EP/SP content for basegame use) together with then don't inquire for it to last done, because I volition non produce it.

This pilus features:
  • Requires Get Together EP
  • Available inwards all eighteen basegame colours
  • Fully lid compatible
  • Additional seven pilus recolours:
                  Blonde: dirty, strawberry together with platinum
                  Brown: light, medium-light, medium
                  Misc: white

There are ii split downloads for this hair, the packet containing the mesh together with basegame textures, together with the packet containing the mesh, basegame colours plus the additional recolours. You exclusively postulate i packet for the pilus to work, you lot merely postulate to determine if you lot desire the additional pilus colours or not. The archives also comprise the coloring preview picture for reference (as seen above). The styles alongside the low-cal bluish edge are the custom colours yesteryear me. Just extract the archive, together with set the packet file inwards your mods folder.

Basegame Colours:

Basegame together with Addon Colours:

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