Saturday, February 17, 2018

Bellewood - Mural For Ts4

When I get-go started murals, I kinda got carried away alongside the thought of graffiti, but i am branching out as well as constitute this lovely mural at Rebel Walls, I simply had to convey it for my game. So I made it, as well as hither it is; inwards all 12 glorious colours. Looks awesome every bit a characteristic wall behind beds. I would convey loved to convey had it higher, but at that topographic point is exclusively as well as thus much yous tin create alongside beginning cloth earlier yous lose quality. I don't intend it detracts from it though, as well as thus I promise yous enjoy.

At the asking of Rebel Walls, the mural has been renamed to Bellewood to reverberate the existent life wall this is based on (the link is inwards a higher house where yous tin depository fiscal establishment check it out). Please re-download as well as delete the previous version (called PC-TS4-Forrest-Mural) as well as supervene upon it alongside the novel one.

The Mural features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 12 means variations
  • custom thumbnail
  • found in wallpaper category of Build Mode
  • costs $5
  • available for all wall heights
  • is exclusively seamless horizontally
  • This is a mural wall. There are no private parts that take away to live on placed separately. Just role similar normal wallpaper.
The archive contains the bundle file as well as preview image. Extract as well as house the bundle file inwards your mods folder as well as expect for them inwards your game. I promise yous enjoy.


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