Wednesday, February 28, 2018

V-Neck Baseball Game Tee

I similar baseball game tees, I made a laid upward inwards TS3 too when I saw that at that topographic point appeared to endure a agency to convey them inwards TS4, I went to function on a long sleeve version alongside a twist. However, later discovery out that the sleeves were too illusion, it laid upward me dorsum a bit. I all the same didn't issue my enthusiasm too this is the in conclusion result. I actually dear these too promise yous all produce too.

The wearable exceptional features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • Non-default
  • 20 colouring options
  • available for teen to elderberry men
  • found past times default nether the t-shirt filter
  • can endure flora past times default inwards everyday, athletic, political party too slumber categories (but tin lavatory endure used inwards other categories past times removing the filter inwards CAS)
The archive contains the bundle file too the ikon of the styles included. Just driblet it inwards your mods folder too it volition present upward :)


Rambler Leather Jacket

This exceptional is forthwith outdated too no longer available. New exceptional available:

Rambler Leather Jacket 2.0

Vulcanus Modern Fireplace

Fireplaces inward TS4 are 1 of the most neglected categories. We alone got three styles, in addition to inward my opinion, alone 1 of them was usable. I created the Look At Me Fireplace to convey that count upwards to two, in addition to this 1 volition convey it upwards to 3. That makes me happy. I honey fireplaces equally a focal holler for of a room (even though they tin develop a identify on fire), in addition to therefore i mean value I am virtually done improving them instantly I pick out a practiced selection for myself. 

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 14 fireplace choices (all white amongst varying characteristic tile designs)
  • All fourteen styles establish nether 1 detail inward the catalog
  • Costs $600
The archive contains the  package file in addition to embrace image. Just identify inward your mods folder in addition to hold off for them inward your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Default Replacement Thumbnails

Hey everyone! I accept a piddling chip of a modernistic for my content for you. It is purely optional of course of educational activity in addition to volition handle yous nation my materials apart from touchstone content. It is default replacement thumbnails! I made these because EA removed the 1 means I used to distinguish my CAS CC in addition to my object recolours actually needed something to handle them stand upward out. This was to a greater extent than for me, but since I am happy amongst them now, I idea I would share. There are ii bundle files, 1 for CAS items, in addition to 1 for object recolours.

How to purpose these default replacement thumbnails:
  1. download the bundle file(s)
  2. put inwards your mods folder simply similar whatever other custom content
  3. go to My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4
  4. find the file called "localthumbcache"
  5. delete it
When yous offset upward the game next, the custom thumbnails volition exhibit upward for all content I accept previously released. All hereafter content I volition survive adding custom thumbnails which volition survive included inwards the bundle file. This method is simply easier in addition to hence I don't involve to re-release my content in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than amongst the thumbnails.

Download CAS Thumbnails:

Download Object Thumbnails:

Classic Wall Fix - Eclectic Hexagon Tile Walls Together With Flooring

I convey been sitting on these walls as well as matching flooring for a piece now, as well as idea it was nearly fourth dimension to part them alongside yous all. They are an acquired taste, as well as non for everyone. They are silent quite unique, as well as I approximate that is why I dearest them. They are designed to hold upwards paired upwards alongside my Classic Wall Set, merely operate good equally standalone items too.

The walls feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 8 agency variations
  • custom thumbnails
  • found in tile category of Build Mode
  • costs $4
  • available for all wall heights
Note: These walls are NOT scaled to EA's wall texture sizes. I wishing to keep the character of the texture as well as this cannot hold upwards done then alongside EA's texture sizes. Some people sense a põrnikas where the unscaled walls present upwards equally a texture alongside a query mark. So hold upwards aware that if yous download these walls and experience the glitch, these walls are non for you. I convey no plans to scale the texture downwards because of the loss of quality.

The flooring features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 8 styles
  • custom thumbnails
  • found in tile flooring category of Build Mode
  • costs $4

The archive contains the parcel file as well as preview image. Extract the archive as well as house the parcel file inwards your mods folder as well as await for them inwards your game. I promise yous enjoy.

Download Walls:

Download Flooring:

Black As Well As White Hexagon Flooring Tiles

My outset flooring! It has taken long enough. I actually dear hexagon flooring tiles, they are simply a classic pattern when they are inward a dark together with white combo. When I was making the Subway Tile laid upward (find it here), I wanted a matching flooring, hence i came upward amongst these. I mean value they turned out brilliantly. I did role a 512x512px image, which I mean value is larger together with hence EA's default size (or perchance not), hence I am non certain if it volition induce got the same final result equally unscaled wall sizes. If so, allow me know. They run fine inward my game together with I induce got an average computer.

The flooring features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 20 styles
  • custom thumbnails
  • found in tile flooring category of Build Mode
  • costs $4

The archive contains the packet file together with preview image. Extract the archive together with house the packet file inward your mods folder together with await for them inward your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Classic Wall Ready - Beveled Underground Tiles

I bring roughly novel walls for yous all! It has been a while, but these are roughly novel additions to my classic wall set. They are roughly lovely beveled tile designs, thence yous tin at 1 time purpose these walls inward your moisture areas of your homes! Due to the lack of CAS, the tiles are entirely available inward white (do non inquire for other tile colours, I volition non endure making color variations due to the position out of electrical current pigment variations together with how many ikon files would endure needed only to bring to a greater extent than tile colours. If yous brand walls, yous volition empathize my decision). These volition generally jibe upward amongst my classic wall laid (some colours are non perfect due to the agency I needed to brand the walls together with laid imperfections), but are real close. If the ii wall sets run across at a corner, thence the deviation volition non endure noticeable. I too entirely did 23 of the lx colours from my classic wall set. Again, this was done to brand the projection manageable. I may create the remaining colours inward time, but correct now, yous larn entirely 32 of them. Anyway, hither yous go. Now become 4th together with add together roughly classic underground tiles to your homes!

The walls feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 6 wall types (full tiptop tile, pic together with chair runway variations amongst tile or pigment above, together with skirting tiles amongst paint)
  • 32 color variations for iii of the wall styles
  • custom thumbnails
  • found in tile category of Build Mode
  • costs $4
  • available for all wall heights
Note: These walls are NOT scaled to EA's wall texture sizes. I wishing to keep the lineament of the texture together with this cannot endure done thence amongst EA's texture sizes. Some people sense a põrnikas where the unscaled walls demo upward equally a texture amongst a enquiry mark. So endure aware that if yous download these walls and experience the glitch, these walls are non for you. I bring no plans to scale the texture downward because of the loss of quality.

The archive contains the vi packet files together with preview image. Extract the archive together with identify the packet files inward your mods folder together with expect for them inward your game. I promise yous enjoy.


Riverside Outlook - A Cabin For Granite Falls

It has been a piece since I bring shared a lot, but amongst the followers gift released recently, I idea I would portion this too. I e'er prefer modern cabin, hence that is what I built for myself to ship my sims to sense the wilderness inwards style. It seems to bring impressed a lot of people on tumblr which i was humbled by. I bring given it a makeover though, using my novel meshes inwards house of recolours I made. I intend they expect a lot better. I dearest it, hence I promise you lot dearest it equally much equally me.

The habitation features:
  • 1 bedrooms
  • 1 bathrooms
  • open innovation living as well as kitchen
  • price: $57,213
  • rents for nearly $570 a day
  •  location tin survive flora on the terminal picture inwards the slideshow
Required Custom Content (must survive downloaded separately):

This lot volition non survive available on the gallery due to the total of cc.

Click on ane of the alternate download links below. To install into your game, Extract the archive as well as then navigate to The Sims iv folder inwards My Documents. Find the Tray folder as well as house ALL of the files from the archive into it. Open your game as well as uncovering the habitation inwards your library, only equally if you lot dl'd it bespeak from the gallery.


Squarely Triptych Landscape Paintings

EA has no suitable foursquare frames. There is no honey for foursquare frames as well as it was similar this inwards TS3. I actually honey to role them, thus I decided to brand my own. I took the piddling foursquare shaver frame as well as doubled its size from one-half a foursquare to a total foursquare for this project, remapped it as well as ended upwards alongside this. I couldn't move happier alongside the result.Since this is my meshing as well as if you lot create desire to recolour it, you lot demand to hand total credit as well as link dorsum to the original. That is all I ask. I promise you lot taste these triptych paintings.

The Build/Buy especial feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • custom mesh
  • non-default
  • 4 sets landscape images carve upwards into iii inwards both dark as well as white frames
  • All 24 styles constitute nether i especial inwards the catalog
  • custom object as well as  swatch thumbnails thus you lot tin hand the axe easily abide by each develop past times coloring as well as order
  • Costs $550 each
The archive contains the  package file as well as comprehend image. Extract the archive as well as house the packet file inwards your mods folder, as well as then await for them inwards your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Sunday, February 25, 2018

The The World Through A Peephole Paintings

Another meshwork edit together with artwork mode for y'all today. This 1 is based on that pocket-sized fry portrait mesh. I prefer thinner frames though, therefore I tweaked the style, remapped to brand the motion painting character amend together with added about cool motivational prints (even though y'all can't read the print) to the frames. I exclusively brand dark together with white frames because they travel good amongst whatsoever design, together with I am real happy amongst how these came out. 

The Build/Buy special feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • custom mesh
  • non-default
  • 10 impress styles inwards both dark together with white frames
  • All twenty styles institute nether 1 special inwards the catalog
  • custom object thumbnails therefore y'all tin flame easily honour trhe special inwards the catelogue
  • Costs $350 each
  • Credit to Tina Crespo @Society6 for the images

The archive contains the  package file together with comprehend image. Extract the archive together with house the packet file inwards your mods folder, therefore expect for them inwards your game. I promise y'all enjoy.


Colour Me Xanthous - Modern Rugs - Updated

Today I accept some other recolour for you. This fourth dimension it is some rugs. I know, y'all all accept belike seen a buttload of them, simply non many were the size I wanted. I honey the 3x4 rugs thence i made some. It was a hurting finding a mesh, simply I managed to notice i without a folded UV map in addition to came out amongst these beauties. Can y'all say I similar yellow?

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 fashion choices
  • All xvi styles constitute nether i exceptional inwards the catalog
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file in addition to embrace image. Extract the archive in addition to house the parcel file inwards your mods folder, in addition to then expect for them inwards your game. I promise y'all enjoy.

Update 23/03/2015: I accept updated these rugs to hold upwards fashion tool compatible. This volition effectively supersede the file because they are named the same, withal y'all volition require to re-place them inwards your builds if y'all accept used them. There is no getting some that, simply beingness rugs, it volition non hold upwards awkward to exercise so.


Colour Me Grayness Modern Rugs - Updated

Today I accept some other carpet ready for yous all. It has been a spell since I released Colour Me Yellow Modern Rugs, but the conception was to larn far a consummate serial of 3x4 rugs inward dissimilar shades. So today I am continuing alongside with color grey. I honey the 3x4 rugs, I honour them the perfect size for most, if non all of my builds. But it is a size that many people don't use. So that is the size I am sticking with. Plus grayness is awesome, in addition to I honey using it. I can't believe how many awesome rugs Wayfair has on their site too. Anyway, i promise yous savour :)

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 agency choices
  • All sixteen styles establish nether i especial inward the catalog
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
Note: This especial is non agency tool enabled. In fourth dimension I volition update all my content in addition to I volition inform yous inward the postal service if they are or are not. 

Update 26/03/2015: I accept updated these rugs to endure agency tool compatible. This volition effectively supervene upon the file because they are named the same, yet yous volition necessitate to re-place them inward your builds if yous accept used them. There is no getting simply about that, but beingness rugs, it volition non endure awkward to create so.

The archive contains the  package file in addition to encompass image. Extract the archive in addition to house the packet file inward your mods folder, in addition to then hold off for them inward your game. I promise yous enjoy.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

'Keep It Simple' Apparently Tee - Updated

I was asked a piece agone to brand a evidently version of my Ombre Tee. I did firstly i for myself, but it variety of got seat on the backburner due to the seat out of WIPs I convey at i time. Well I in conclusion got unopen to to redoing the texture together with tweaking the meshwork into what you lot run into here. I actually dearest these together with they are simply your average peices of clothing, something every guy should convey inwards their wardrobe. I produce convey a few other variants planned downwards the road, together with then remain tuned.

The wearable detail features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • Non-default
  • 20 color options
  • available for teen to elderberry men
  • found yesteryear default nether the t-shirt filter
  • can move constitute yesteryear default inwards everyday, athletic, political party together with slumber categories (but tin lav move used inwards other categories yesteryear removing the filter inwards CAS)
The archive contains the parcel file together with the ikon of the styles included. Just drib it inwards your mods folder together with it volition demonstrate upward :)

Update 30/03/2015 - fixed shadowmap result that caused score unopen to neck. Sorry well-nigh that. Please re-download


A Plume For Luck - Watercolour Paintings

Another meshing edit together with artwork mode for you lot today. This 1 is based on that child portrait meshing only similar my triptych paradigm set. This 1 is 2/3 the size of the triptych frame thus at that spot are a decent alternative of foursquare frames inward my game. I exclusively build dark together with white frames because they locomote good amongst whatsoever design, together with I am rattling happy amongst how these came out. You only convey to dear watercolour paintings. They are casual together with elegant without locomote pompous or gaudy. 

The Build/Buy detail feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • custom mesh
  • non-default
  • Does non currently locomote amongst mode tool
  • 8 impress styles inward both dark together with white frames
  • All xvi styles constitute nether 1 detail inward the catalog
  • custom object thumbnails thus you lot tin easily abide by the detail inward the catalog
  • Costs $180 each
  • Credit to SnoogsandWild on Etsy, David Scheirer, together with Cahetu for the images

The archive contains the  package file together with embrace image. Extract the archive together with house the packet file inward your mods folder, together with thus await for them inward your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Colour Me Bluish Modern Rugs

I am continuing the coloring subject for my Colour Me carpeting sets, as well as this calendar week nosotros are looking at the coloring blue. I honey how these turned out, as well as promise y'all similar them too. Most of the carpeting designs were institute on sites similar

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 agency choices
  • All sixteen styles institute nether i exceptional inward the catalog
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file as well as agency images. Extract the archive as well as house the parcel file inward your mods folder, as well as hence await for them inward your game. I promise y'all enjoy.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Colour Me Cyan Modern Rugs

I am continuing the colour subject for my Colour Me carpet sets, as well as this calendar week nosotros are looking at the colour cyan. I know people encounter this every bit 'blue' merely its a lot warmer inwards note since its closer to greenish as well as hence purple. I dear how these turned out, as well as promise y'all similar them too. Most of the carpet designs were establish on sites similar as well as google shopping.

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 mode choices
  • All xvi styles establish nether ane detail inwards the catalog
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file as well as mode images. Extract the archive as well as house the parcel file inwards your mods folder, as well as hence hold off for them inwards your game. I promise y'all enjoy.


Splashback Drinking Glass Tiles

I bring been working on these for quite about time, as well as hence inwards celebration of my birthday (YAY!!!!) I am sharing these to score the occasion. I would of had these done sooner, merely the projection got a piddling out of mitt when I kept adding to a greater extent than wall styles. I made these because the seat out of tile walls available is lamentable inwards my opinion, as well as hence I gear upwards virtually to rectify that, at to the lowest degree a piddling bit. I ended upwards alongside half-dozen tile sizes inwards either two or iii tile patterns inwards 32 colours. Quite as well as ambitious project, merely all my wall projects appear to halt upwards similar that. It was genuinely to a greater extent than ambitious, equally I had planned to add together flooring tiles too, merely that has been separated into a dissever projection which volition larn done inwards time.

The walls feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • 6 tile sizes, 12 tile patterns
  • 32 coloring variations each
  • custom thumbnails
  • found in tile category of Build Mode
  • costs $4
  • available for all wall heights
The archive contains the half-dozen packet files as well as preview image. Extract the archive as well as house the packet files inwards your mods folder as well as await for them inwards your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Colour Me Light-Green Modern Rugs

Continuing amongst the Colour Me carpet sets, in addition to this calendar week nosotros are looking at the coloring green. Green is a groovy agency to convey a lilliputian exterior into the house, but it is also a groovy agency to add together but about brilliant coloring to a modern home. I dear how these turned out, in addition to promise y'all similar them too. Most of the carpet designs were constitute on sites similar in addition to google shopping.

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 trend choices
  • All sixteen styles constitute nether ane detail inward the catalog
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file in addition to trend images. Extract the archive in addition to identify the packet file inward your mods folder, in addition to then await for them inward your game. I promise y'all enjoy.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Stripe My Tee

I honey long tees, too I honey dissimilar styles, but I actually loathe modifying meshes all the time. So what I did was accept my Ombre Tee mesh too texture, too larn far modular too thence I conduct maintain role the base of operations texture for dissimilar styles. This is an illustration of this process. There are v-neck tees inwards game, but I honey stripes, too thence I made some. The steal adds a picayune fleck of asymmetry to delineate the oculus too makes it a picayune to a greater extent than mature (strange how a steal does that). I actually honey these too they are only your average peices of clothing, something every guy should conduct maintain inwards their wardrobe. I practise conduct maintain a few other variants planned downwardly the road, too thence remain tuned.

The article of apparel special features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • Non-default
  • 20 coloring options
  • available for teen to elderberry men
  • found yesteryear default nether the t-shirt filter
  • Custom thumbnails
  • can hold out constitute yesteryear default inwards everyday, athletic, political party too slumber categories (but tin lavatory hold out used inwards other categories yesteryear removing the filter inwards CAS)
The archive contains the packet file too the icon of the styles included. Just drib it inwards your mods folder too it volition demonstrate upwards :)


Colour Me Orangish Modern Rugs

Continuing alongside the Colour Me carpeting sets, together with this calendar week nosotros are looking at the colouring fabric orange. Orange tin privy hold out a beloved it or loathe it colour, only i beloved it. It adds thus much life to the room when used equally an accent similar rugs, characteristic walls or accessories. I beloved how these turned out, together with promise you lot similar them too. Most of the carpeting designs were institute on sites similar together with google shopping.

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 agency choices
  • All xvi styles institute nether i exceptional inward the catalog
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file together with agency images. Extract the archive together with house the packet file inward your mods folder, together with thus await for them inward your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Colour Me Crimson Modern Rugs

Continuing alongside the Colour Me carpet sets, together with this calendar week nosotros are looking at the coloring red. This coloring is really passionate, merely tin oftentimes hold off overpowering inwards large amounts together with when paired alongside black. The destination hither was to give blood-red a to a greater extent than subtle hold off without the starkness for my contemporary builds. I honey how these turned out, together with promise you lot similar them too. Most of the carpet designs were flora on sites similar together with google shopping.

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 16 mode choices
  • All sixteen styles flora nether i exceptional inwards the catalog
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Costs $150
The archive contains the  package file together with mode images. Extract the archive together with house the bundle file inwards your mods folder, together with thus hold off for them inwards your game. I promise you lot enjoy.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3/4 Sleeve V-Neck Baseball Game Tee

I in conclusion got roughly to doing these, proper 3/4 length v-neck baseball game tees. They may last 1/4 length shorter, merely some mightiness tell a lot to a greater extent than sexier ;)
These are just similar the longer sleeve version, the alone divergence is I convey changed the sleeves to a to a greater extent than traditional length. They are a novel CAS item, together with then yous tin convey both inwards your games.

The wearable special features:
  • basegame compatibility
  • Non-default
  • 20 coloring options
  • available for teen to elderberry men
  • found past times default nether the t-shirt filter
  • Custom thumbnails
  • can last flora past times default inwards everyday, athletic, political party together with slumber categories (but tin last used inwards other categories past times removing the filter inwards CAS)
The archive contains the packet file together with the icon of the styles included. Just drib it inwards your mods folder together with it volition exhibit upwards :)
