Friday, March 2, 2018

Wood You Lot Beloved My Kitchen

5/12/2015: This kitchen has instantly been updated for the dishwasher update in addition to additional styles added. Check the novel post for details. Old links on this page create got merely been updated. 

Part III on my followes gift is 1 of my start recolours of TS4 objects. I absolutely honey the kitchens inwards TS4, agency meliorate thence TS3 kitchens, but CAS would create got made them perfection. So I decided to create got my favourite kitchen, the BlandCo style, in addition to recolour them inwards approximately woods in addition to company colours. This is the awesome woods ones. I am actually happy amongst how it turned out. I didn't merely recolour, these are a fleck to a greater extent than involved thence that. I replaced the counters, redid the normalmaps in addition to got rid on the woods designing inwards the original. I honey the destination product, in addition to promise yous all produce too.

The kitchen feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 8 woods musical note variations
  • all combined nether the 1 item
  • Counters terms $150, Island Counters terms $150, in addition to Cabinets terms $135
The archive contains the  package files for the counters, isle in addition to cabinets every bit good every bit the preview image. Just house inwards your mods folder in addition to await for them inwards your game. I promise yous enjoy.


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