Monday, March 12, 2018

Pattern My Ombre Tee- Crashing Issues

It has been brought to my attending that approximately people look to last sense crashing, either selecting it inward CAS or when exiting. This seems to last an isolated lawsuit that exclusively affects approximately games, too then I convey no clue what is causing it. My guess is it is because approximately of the tools are e'er beingness updated too bugs are nevertheless beingness worked out.
For those of you lot who convey the tee installed too it industrial plant fine, you lot tin croak along it installed. But for those that are having issues (and mayhap amongst other content from other creators), it may last best for you lot to withdraw the packet for now. If I knew what is causing the crashing issue, I would ready it guide away, unfortunately I produce not. I volition convey to investigate too enquire approximately of the modders if they know the cause, too if it tin last fixed, exactly at the introduce fourth dimension at that topographic point is no other options. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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