Monday, February 24, 2014

Updated: Vast Entry Frame - Iii Tile Maxis-Edited Archway

UPDATED September 24, 2017: It was brought to my attending the footprint didn't allow placement on depression wall heights, this has directly been fixed. Please redownload. 

Another picayune something I whipped upwardly to compliment my 3 tile keystone arch. I needed a modern, sleek version for versatility as well as thus I made i from approximately other basegame arch. Again, it is simply an edit to teach inward iii tile similar my previous one. Hopefully approximately of y'all discovery a purpose for it.


  • basegame compatible
  • 5 master colour options
  • costs $250
  • custom thumbnails
  • found is curt door department of cause mode
  • Polycount:
    - high/Medium: 72

The archive contains the packet file as well as trend picture within a folder. Extract the archive using winRAR or winZIP as well as driblet the packet file inward your mods folder as well as hold off for it in-game. 


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