Monday, February 10, 2014

Post Spell Reporting Of Broken Cc

I am putting this upward forthwith as well as hence y'all all know the deal. I volition non endure a happy camper if y'all postal service a comment blurting “you cc is broken!!!” or “your cc broke my game!!!” as well as non giving me exact details. If y'all don’t desire to endure that person, hither are unopen to handy points for y'all to facial expression at to assistance me teach whatever possible broken CC fixed 1 time the appropriate programs are updated:

For Build/Buy Mode

  • What item it is as well as what laid does it come upward from (if applicable)
  • Do y'all convey the merged or separated files?
  • How is it broken? The to a greater extent than especial the amend here. Does it halt the game from opening? Good! That is helpful. Does it disappear when placing? Do sims throw a tantrum when y'all endeavor to brand them role an item? All helpful.
  • Did y'all update the file afterward the C+D patches? (you volition non believe how many people all the same haven’t).


  • please explicate inwards enough of words the exact consequence amongst item (e.g. morphing, categories, completely missing etc)
  • if its something similar lucre gaps, enjoin me where they occur, as well as if its dependant on slider positions

To salve what is left of my sanity, when the piece shows upward as well as y'all desire to study something, elaborate on how it isn’t working equally intended. It volition assistance me teach materials fixed as well as hence much sooner without having to constantly facepalm at the stupid donkey messages inwards my inbox only stating “your cc is non working!!!! When volition y'all fix!?!” which may really good plow me into a homicidal maniac (and give me a massive headache). No 1 wants that.

Given the broad reaching updates expected for Seasons, something is jump to interruption (and i actually promise its minimal), as well as hence salve my sanity as well as give equally much especial equally y'all can, it volition endure really much appreciated.

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