Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rustic Planks - Rough-Cut Timber Flooring Inwards Ii Sizes

I actually loved the flooring from Jungle adventure, only i time again similar virtually things, i institute the coloring alternative lacking. So similar by flooring, i bring tweaked as well as recoloured inwards a hit of colours to adjust to a greater extent than situations. I bring equally good done the flooring inwards 2 sizes: the master copy larger scale, as well as a 50% size. I intend I am going to larn a lot of role out of these for to a greater extent than rustic builds.
What y'all require to know:
  • The file sizes are quite large because of the number of styles as well as the master copy texture size

The Build item/s feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 40 colour/style options
  • colour filter compatible
  • Found inwards Wood category of Flooring
  • custom thumbnails
    Now, at that spot are 2 download links hosting the same files. Choose your preferred site to download the archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver if required as well as house the folder or packet files inwards your mods folder, as well as then await for them inwards your game. If y'all are having issues banking corporation tally out my Installing Content help page.


    My content volition ever hold upwards free, only if y'all are hence inclined as well as able, y'all tin demo your back upwards and buy me a coffee

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