Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nox Dining Develop Redux

Nox is in all probability my favourite dining laid upwards amongst its angular looks mixed amongst brilliant colours. It even hence was made amongst an early on version of TSRW too needed to survive remade to arrive easier to update inwards the future. It gave me the chance to redo the textures too optimised roughly of the meshes every bit well. I removed roughly redundant styles too added roughly too. All-in-all I am really happy amongst this remake too volition larn to a greater extent than years of purpose out of it.

Some things you lot necessitate to know:
  • These are completely novel objects hence although roughly of the file names are the same, they volition non supervene upon the originals if you lot induce got the two sets inwards dissimilar folders. 
  • Meshes optimised too novel styles added to the tables too sideboard adding venture colours
  • Dining chair optimised styles
  • cleaner too nicer textures all-round
  • You volition necessitate to drib dead on the brusk pendants inwards your mods folder to purpose the other heights every bit the textures are linked
  • 13/12/2017: updated for the 12/12/17 while that broke roughly surfaces
The Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 21 meshes inwards full amongst betwixt eighteen too 39 coloring options
  • find items easily using phrase "NOX" inwards search bar (try this tutorial to easily detect my sets)
  • style (found nether "modern" tag) too coloring filter compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Pricing  and polycount every bit follows:
    - 8 Seat Dining Table ($600, 180 polys)
    - vi Seat Dining Table ($350, 180 polys)
    - Sideboard ($350, 594 polys)
    - Tree Shelf ($150, 429 polys)
    - Bucket Dining Chair ($150, 1084 polys)*
    - Dining Chair ($120, 558 polys)
    - Oblong Pendant Short/Medium/Tall ($151/152/153, 872 polys)*
    - Lantern Pendant Short/Medium/Tall ($157/158/159, 1232 polys)*
    - Sphere Pendant Short/Medium/Tall ($154/155/156, 1088 polys)*
    - Fractal Silhouettes ($200, 72 polys)
    - Tall Geometric Vase ($65, 138 polys)
    - Medium Geometric Vase ($64, 186 polys)
    - Small Geometric Vase ($63, 186 polys)
    - Origami Ball ($100, 400 polys)
    - Through the Teardrop ($100, 300 polys)
*This content is considered high poly hence purpose inwards moderation, or if you lot don't intend your estimator tin handgrip it, best to accept these items out.

CC credits:
  • All custom content is mine, hence experience gratis to browse through my downloads to detect it.
Now, in that place are two download links. One for a merged package, too roughly other amongst all packages course of education inside a folder inwards a RAR archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver too house the folder or bundle files inwards your mods folder, too hence hold off for them inwards your game. If you lot are having issues banking concern fit out my Installing Content help page.


I induce got also uploaded the files individually below 
Download Individual Items:

My content volition ever survive free, simply if you lot are hence inclined too able, you lot tin exhibit your back upwards and buy me a coffee

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