Thursday, February 6, 2014

No Occluder Small-Scale & Large Appliances Default Replacement

This file is a must-have if y'all purpose whatever of my kitchens. Since I changed the cabinet shader to create colouring too shading issues, appliances, both modest too large, convey occluders that darken cabinets too brand them await horrible. This solves that for all Maxis objects released therefore far (or recolours amongst a linked lite source). All this file includes is default replacement lite resources for all appliances that had occluders too volition create the issue.

What You Neeed To Know:
  • If y'all convey my master version of this, it came inwards two files. I convey trimmed that downwards to 1 therefore delete both onetime files too supercede amongst the 1 novel one. 

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • Default Replacement
  • Includes overrides for all appliances upward to Seasons that convey occluders
Now, at that topographic point are 1 download link. To install, download the parcel file too house inwards your mods folder, therefore await for the changes inwards your game. If y'all are having issues cheque out my Installing Content help page.


My content volition e'er travel free, simply if y'all are therefore inclined too able, y'all tin demonstrate your back upward and buy me a coffee

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