Monday, February 17, 2014

Blandco No More: Updated Corporation Is Sensational & Forest Y'all Dear My Kitchen Recolours

I absolutely honey the kitchens inwards TS4, agency ameliorate too thence TS3 kitchens, but CAS would cause got made them perfection. So I decided to cause got my favourite kitchen, the BlandCo style, too recolour them inwards some forest too company colours. They were released some fourth dimension agone too dubbed Solid Is Sensational Painted Kitchen too Wood You Love My Kitchen. Since EA added dishwashers, I cause got finally got roughly to updating these officially (you could role S4S to exercise a batch create previously) but I wanted to exercise to a greater extent than too thence only an update. So past times pop demand, I cause got non solely updated for dishwashers, added two to a greater extent than company colours, 3 counter transcend colours, I cause got also provided a bundle file of the cabinets amongst the shader create akin to what plasticbox at MTS has done.

What you lot ask to know:
  • The cabinet shader has been changed for ameliorate lighting, but tin Pb to nighttime shadows. Download occluder default replacement to solve issue
  • These are novel packages amongst the same file names. However, the ID's are dissimilar thence they volition non supervene upon the master versions inwards your games. Therefore they ask to live re-placed where you lot used the older versions. 
  • No longer supporting the cabinets without the shader fix
  • Update 6/02/2017 - Fixed for toddler spell thence they volition directly interact amongst the counters too islands correctly for the ‘play in’ interaction instead of it non executing properly. Also changed out forest counter texture thence it matches company counter colour. 
  • Update 14/12/2015 - I exported the incorrect DDS format for two of the forest cabinets, thence delight re-download the forest kitchen to larn the updated file for the two cabinets. 
The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 20 company colours too 8 forest colours, amongst a pick betwixt 3 counter transcend types (totaling threescore too 24 styles respectively)
  • Style tool compatible
  • custom thumbnails for measure cabinet (all others are game-generated due to shear number of them)
  • Version of cabinets amongst too without shader fix
  • Now dishwasher compatible
  • Pricing:
    - Counters: $150
    - Islands: $150
    - Cabinets: $135
CC credits:
  • All custom content is mine, thence experience gratis to browse through my downloads to notice it.
Now, at that spot has been many people inquire for a shader create for the cabinets, the same every bit what plasticbox has done every bit default overrides. I cause got provided such a file, notwithstanding at that spot is i pocket-size lawsuit that is evident amongst whatsoever cabinet that has the counter shader:
To create the lawsuit you lot cause got on the right amongst EA items, download the No Occluder Appliances Default Replacement (DR) file downward below. This volition create the shadowing for whatsoever EA item. If cc is doing it (thats non mine) its out of my control.

Now, at that spot are two download links. One for a merged package, too some other amongst all packages split inside a folder inwards a RAR archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver too house the folder or bundle files inwards your mods folder, too thence await for them inwards your game. If you lot are having issues depository fiscal establishment check out my Installing Content help page.

Solid Is Sensational Kitchen:

Wood You Love My Kitchen:

No Occluder Appliances (DR):

My content volition ever live free, but if you lot are thence inclined too able, you lot tin exhibit your back upwards and buy me a coffee

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