Sunday, February 9, 2014

Drapery Delights - Drape Set

Curtains are ane type of object i notice lacking when it comes to TS4. I mostly rely on CC or recolours to run into my needs, but when that failed I decided to brand my own. This is the goal effect too I tend to role these everywhere now.

Due to the length of these posts too for repose of updating, you lot tin notice the download too information nether the cut.

Information you lot postulate to know:

  • All files are private inwards the archive. You tin pick too select which sizes you lot want
  • The textures are linked, thence each size gear upwardly uses the same texture. Make certain you lot bring the packet files that bring "Texture" inwards the cite inwards your mods folder otherwise the cc wont run properly. 
  • If you lot desire to recolour, you lot volition bring to import the contents of the texture packet file into the mantle packet files earlier cloning. 
  • 30/06/2018 - No includes iii too iv tile versions inwards counter, small, medium, too tall lengths

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 6 meshes inwards full amongst 42 color options:
  • find items easily using phrase "Drapery" or "Delights" inwards search bar (try this tutorial to easily notice my sets)
  • style (found nether "Basics" tag) too color filter compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Pricing  and polycount every bit follows:
    - 1 Tile counter, short, medium, too tall curtains ($39/40/41/42, 676 polys)

    - ii Tile counter, short, medium, too tall curtains ($49/50/51/52, 940 polys)
    - iii Tile counter, short, medium, too tall curtains ($59/60/61/62, 940 polys)
    - iv Tile counter, short, medium, too tall curtains ($69/70/71/72, 940 polys)
CC credits:
  • All custom content is mine, thence experience gratis to browse through my downloads to notice it.
Now, at that spot are ii download links. SimFileShare too alternatively Onedrive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver too house the folder or packet files inwards your mods folder, thence await for them inwards your game. If you lot are having issues depository fiscal establishment stand upwardly for out my Installing Content help page.


My content volition ever live on free, but if you lot are thence inclined too able, you lot tin exhibit your back upwardly and buy me a coffee

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