Friday, February 28, 2014

Maxis Painted Brick

I wanted together with therefore maxis tally painted brick to tally the siding I made final week, together with therefore i went nearly making approximately for my use. I mean value they turned out quite good together with live for both interiors together with exteriors. We need to a greater extent than brick, both painted together with unpainted, nosotros tin never accept enough.

The laid upward agency exceptional features:
  • Basegame compatible
  • 44 colouring fabric options
  • Custom thumbnails
  • Walls establish in Masonry category of Build Mode
  • Costs $4
  • All wall heights available
The private archives incorporate the  package file(s) together with preview image(s). Extract using WinRAR or WinZIP together with house the parcel file inward your mods folder together with await for them inward your game. I promise yous enjoy.

Reclaimed Gymnasium Flooring

When I got CL I was rattling excited for all the cook agency content. Then I institute the awesome flooring. Tru to its name, it looked similar it had 100 layers of lacquer on it simply similar my former schoolhouse gym flooring did. The colours weren't rattling usable either. So I took the texture, edited it, toned the specular agency downward thence did a bunch of recolours as well as voila! Another usable flooring for my homes.

The cook agency detail features:
  • Basegame compatible
  • 24 vogue variations
  • Custom thumbnails
  • found in Wood Flooring category of Build Mode
  • costs $4
  • Credit to FaerieDustSims as well as pooklet for the actions as well as coloring palette that formed the Earth for these styles
The archive contains the  package file as well as preview image. Extract as well as identify the packet file inward your mods folder as well as expect for them inward your game. I promise yous enjoy.


City Living Window Together With Door Addons

City Living has around interesting construct trend items. Interesting-good past times the way, groovy past times whatever means. However, the modern windows were solely express to the medium too tall wall heights, too solely inwards iii tile versions. That volition only non do. That size is far from versatile thus I had to larn nearly making around addons for the items thus they were to a greater extent than usable too thus inwards their electrical flow state. After much troubleshooting, they are done too ready to enjoy.
I was too asked if I would reckon fixing the blueish glass, which I accept too done, thus if the blueish tint was stopping you lot from using these windows, fright no more! This was done past times creating a default replacement for those textures. If you lot similar the blueish glass, experience complimentary to delete the bundle file called "PC-TS4-CLBlueGlassDR" which volition continue all windows similar the way Maxis designed them.
Do note: all textures are linked to the master copy game files. This keeps file size downward equally at that topographic point is no betoken duplicating the same textures.

  • Requires City Living
  • 10 master copy colouring options for windows too nine for doors
  • All items accept right diagonal wall meshes
  • cost too polycount for "Scattered Panes" windows:
    - 1 Tile short/medium/all: $195/$207/$217, 116/116/116 polys
    - ii Tile short/medium/tall: $200/$210/$220, 116/116/152 polys
    - iii Tile short: $205, 112 polys
  • cost too polycount for "Frost You House" doors:
    - ii Tile short/medium/tall: $440/$465/$490, 396/396/496 polys
    - iii Tile short: $445, 396 polys
  • custom thumbnails
  • found inwards respective wall elevation door too window sections of construct mode
The archive contains the bundle file too trend images within a folder. Extract the archive using winRAR or winZIP too drib the bundle file inwards your mods folder too expect for it in-game. 


Classic Wall Gear Upwards - Wallpaper Dump 01

As y'all all may know, I don't brand wallpapers readily. They are dull in addition to if y'all convey made to a greater extent than or less y'all volition understand. But that doesn't hateful I never brand them. When my involve outweighs the tediousness, I brand to a greater extent than or less in addition to this fourth dimension it was five wallpapers to larn amongst my classic wall set. Ranging inwards designs in addition to colours, at that spot is hopefully something to fit almost occasions. This likewise agency I shouldn't involve to brand myself wallpaper for a piece XD

The gear upwardly way detail features:
  • Basegame compatible
  • Between sixteen in addition to xx coloring options
  • Custom thumbnails
  • Walls flora in Wallpaper category of Build Mode
  • Costs $4
  • All wall heights available
The private archives comprise the  package file(s) in addition to preview image(s). Extract using WinRAR or WinZIP in addition to house the bundle file inwards your mods folder in addition to await for them inwards your game. I promise y'all enjoy.

Download All:

Download Separate:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Planned Cc Updates

With the add-on of toddlers are a few things needing updates, I am going through all my sets together with checking out what needs fixing together with updating accordingly. So if you lot know of whatsoever issues, locomote certain to permit me know together with thus one tin encounter if it tin locomote sorted out for this batch of updates.

Updated: Grove Slice Of Furniture Collection - Tumblr Followers Gift

Updated 21/01/2017: With the toddler piece breaking a few things, I cause got taken the opportunity and gone through together with updated my sets to cook issues together with to a greater extent than frequently than non ameliorate on or together with hence things. Grove items cause got been partially remeshed, remapped, together with textures fixed, along alongside redoing the slots. The items wont require to hold upwardly replaced inwards your homes, exactly since I redid the slots it agency anything placed on them volition hold upwardly inwards your identify unit of measurement inventory together with volition require to hold upwardly pose back.

This laid is straightaway outdated. You tin abide by the novel version here.

Updated: Grove Article Of Furniture Collection - Separated Bedding In Addition To Bed Frames

Updated 21/01/2017: With the toddler piece breaking a few things, I stimulate got taken the opportunity and gone through in addition to updated my sets to cook issues in addition to mostly meliorate on or in addition to then things. Items stimulate got been remeshed, remapped in addition to retextured.
Update 20/06/2015 - I stimulate got remade both the double mattress in addition to double bed frame. I stimulate got had people alongside the woohoo resultant to exam them in addition to they stimulate got confirmed that the resultant is resolved. 

This educate is right away outdated. You tin honour the novel version here.

Updated - Bayside Bedchamber Set

Updated 21/01/2017: With the toddler spell breaking a few things, I stimulate got taken the opportunity and gone through in addition to updated my sets to arrive at issues in addition to to a greater extent than oftentimes than non amend on simply about things. I stimulate got redone surface object slots, fixed topographic point rigging for toddlers, in addition to tweaked solar daytime bed in addition to then its right meshing superlative for toddlers in addition to adults.

Update 16/07/2016: The merged in addition to separated archives stimulate got been updated to include the fixed light for the July update. I stimulate got besides fixed the weight pigment in addition to optimised the geometry. 

Update 12/11/2015: I stimulate got redone all iii of the shielded candles equally they had smoothing grouping issues in addition to the dropshadow clipped through the flooring if you lot had it on the ground. 

This is forthwith out of appointment in addition to is no longer supported. You tin discovery the replacement here

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Updated: Nox Dining Set

Updated 21/01/2017: With the toddler piece breaking a few things, I direct keep taken the opportunity and gone through together with updated my sets to ready issues together with mostly better on approximately things. I direct keep fixed topographic point rigging for toddlers, together with added novel toddler tags to objects.

UPDATE 6/07/2016: NOX needed a few updates too fixing the chairs together with tables for the Dine Out Update, these include:

  • chairs correctly flagged to last used inwards restaurants
  • Dining tables directly direct keep right slots for role inwards restaurants (i.e. snap to booths together with for colouring placemats)
  • Dining Chair had weird glitch where it stretched at approximately angles, was remade together with added dark leather option. Will direct keep to last re-placed inwards your games due to novel IDs
  • Pendant low-cal emission superlative has been corrected for all styles; originally all at same superlative which was non correct
  • Pendant lights priced based on type, non length, new, clearer thumbnails
  • re-did slots on sideboard together with tree shelf. Objects placed on slots volition quest to last re-placed, precisely non the surface objects themselves

This laid is outdated together with no longer available, y'all tin discovery the replacement here.

Updated: Atwood Living - Lounge Room Gear Upwards For Ts4

Updated 21/01/2017: With the toddler piece breaking a few things, I stimulate got taken the opportunity and gone through in addition to updated my sets to ready issues in addition to to a greater extent than oftentimes than non meliorate on but about things. Here, I stimulate got updated all seating amongst novel tags in addition to toddler rigs, redid flooring lamp, every bit good every bit redo surface slots. Items placed on objects that stimulate got slots redone volition ask to last placed i time again from the identify unit of measurement inventory.
Update: 17/07/2016: I spotted a small-scale net income final result this morning time in addition to my perfectionist self couldn’t unsee it, then i updated the files again. Its but a seam on the tea calorie-free candles but its fixed now.
Update 16/07/2016: Updated The cantilever flooring lamp, in addition to tealight candles for the July patch. They tin at i time last adjusted per room. I every bit good tweaked Ferntastic potted fern, Gloss Side Table, Wood Geometric Table then the shadow grouping doesn't glitch amongst the floor, in addition to changed out a missed thumbnail amongst the 3 spot sofa i missed final update.
Update 7/03/2016: but a small-scale update for this set, nix relating to cc fixes, but gave the items easier-to-find thumbnails. I know that was i affair a lot of people commented on then hither it is. So if y'all desire the content easier to find, delight re-download.

This older version of this laid is no longer supported, y'all tin discovery the updated version here

Updated Object Sets

I convey updated all of my purchase means custom object sets. I managed to croak the remainder upwards on simfileshare this morning time since i wasn’t getting the upload errors. 
If y'all are unsure that y'all convey updated packages, delight banking concern represent the appointment created for merged files in addition to the appointment modified for separated bundle files (from downloading the archives). If whatsoever of them incorporate files edited inwards Jan 2017, in addition to hence y'all convey updated files. I did non ask to update every file hence don’t freak out if all of them don’t tell they were modified Jan 2017. The sum of edited files varies depending on the set.
If y'all downloaded files individually in that place is no means for y'all to tell if they are novel or former hence best to redownload whatsoever bookcases, seating, counters/islands or items specifically mentioned inwards the update notes. If y'all intend I convey missed updating anything from my custom objects, allow me know every bit before long every bit possible hence I tin banking concern represent it out. I yet convey addons in addition to recolours to do, which volition hold upwards side past times side hence i am aware of those. 
Now fourth dimension to deed onto to a greater extent than updates for my other creations. Yippee

Updated Merged Files

Please avoid merged files for the fourth dimension beingness every 2nd they convey non merged correctly when I overwrite files then volition comprise older, pre-patch content. Please download separated for the fourth dimension being.

If you lot convey downloaded Mid Century Eclectic, Shaker Kitchen, Serenity Bathroom, Lennox Kitchen together with Dining, Hamptons Hideaway, Myra Living, Atwood Dining, together with Hamptons Getaway prior to the 24th of January, delight redownload those files. There was a põrnikas when merging together with overwriting my former files that led to the novel merged files non beingness updated correctly. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lofte Living - Brick Arch Decor Set

This develop has been a long fourth dimension coming. When City Living was showtime announced I had an idea. That sentiment was to brand a develop that would allow me to recreate my dream apartments inwards San Myshuno alongside brick arches in addition to that warehouse/brownstone feel. After arduous planning, meshing, therefore testing, they are in conclusion cook to last shared alongside yous all. These accept popular off some of my favourite decor pieces to purpose inwards my builds equally they function non bad within in addition to out giving a create depth in addition to special that prior to this was non possible inwards my game.

What yous should know:
  • These exercise non motion upwardly in addition to downwards walls. This was done for a pattern argue to limit the publish of unique meshes I needed to make
  • The brick are all in addition to exclusively Maxis style
  • sometimes yous may involve to purpose MoveObjects to house these or object unopen to them
  • Sims tin give the sack exceed through these to allow for archways in addition to such.
  • Make certain the bundle file alongside the refer "PC-TS4-LL-Textures" is non deleted because equally the refer suggests, it contains inwards the textures for all the objects. You are gratis to delete whatsoever of the other items yous don't need, but this bundle file is mandatory. 
The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • Found inwards Wall Sculptures category of Buy Mode
  • 23 meshes inwards amount alongside 33 styles each
  • Set of short, medium in addition to high arches for pass-throughs inwards 2, iii in addition to four tile sizes inwards all six basegame styles
  • find items easily using phrase "Lofte" inwards search bar (try this tutorial to easily honor my sets)
  • custom thumbnails
  • Style tool compatible
  • Pricing  and polycount equally follows:
    - 1x1 decor wall segement (1/3 small wall height); $13, 48 polys
    - 1x2 decor wall segement (2/3 small wall height); $14, 48 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor outer corner; $15/16/17, 48/56/28 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor left in addition to correct columns; $15/16/17, 46/62/48 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor wall segment; $15/16/17, 16/56/28 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor 2 tile arch; $15/16/17, 366/416/402 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor 3 tile arch; $15/16/17, 470/518/502 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large decor 4 tile arch; $15/16/17, 538/586/572 polys

    - Short/Medium two tile archway; $150/175, 58 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large iii tile archway; $155/180/205, 58 polys

    - Short/Medium/Large four tile archway; $160/185/210, 58 polys

CC credits:
All custom content apart from the curtains inwards movie 1(here) in addition to movie iii (here) is made past times me, therefore delight banking concern friction match my downloads to honor it.

Now, at that spot is ane download link alongside the six objects combined inwards a merged file. There is no separated file this fourth dimension because each peice is required for a amount set. Extract the archive using winRAR or WinZip, house the bundle file(s) inwards your mods folder, therefore expect for them inwards your game. I promise yous enjoy.

Download Merged Collection:

My content volition ever last free, but if yous are therefore inclined in addition to able, yous tin give the sack demo your back upwardly and buy me a coffee

Updated: Gtw Window Addons

UPDATE 30/01/2017: I realised I forgot the matching door, hence that has directly been added to the archive. It is directly available inwards medium wall superlative in addition to all master copy swatches. 
I was reminded past times people on tumblr but how much I liked these windows from GTW, but also how express their last is. So I laid virtually changing that amongst around addons inwards additional sizes in addition to also a medium superlative version. I am happy amongst how they turned out in addition to directly they are hence much to a greater extent than usable in addition to hence the master copy alone.

The "Look At All This Stuff!" windows convey both a measure in addition to diagonal wall meshes, in addition to both convey been edited for the novel sizes. The "Sims Are Watching" windows didn't come upward amongst a diagonal mesh, but I did run across at that topographic point was an resultant amongst the master copy cutout, hence I included a fix for that too. The textures are also linked (not included inwards the package) hence salve file size. If you lot desire to recolour these, you lot volition require to brand a selective clone of the master copy window in addition to hence import but the window textures into my window edits earlier cloning.

  • Requires Get To Work
  • 8 master copy coloring textile options
  • costs for "Look At All This Stuff!" windows:
    - 1 Tile short/medium: $175/$200
    - ii Tile medium: $275
    - three Tile short/medium: $300/$325
  • costs for "Sims Are Watching" windows:
    - 1 Tile short/medium: $200/$225
    - ii Tile short/medium: $250/$275
    - three Tile medium: $295
  • custom thumbnails
  • found inwards respective wall superlative door department of receive mode
  • Polycount for "Look At All This Stuff!" windows:
    - 1 Tile curt standard/diagonal: 400/384
    - 1 Tile medium standard/diagonal: 424/422
    - ii Tile medium standard/diagonal: 316/408
    - three Tile curt standard/diagonal: 368/616
    - three Tile medium standard/diagonal: 424/608
  • Polycount for "Sims Are Watching" windows:
    - 1 Tile short/medium: 528/544
    - ii Tile short/medium: 804/820
    - three Tile medium: 974
  • Luxuriant Breeze Double Door
    - ii Tile medium standard/diagonal: $485, 762/1141 polys
The archive contains the packet file in addition to trend icon within a folder. Extract the archive using winRAR or winZIP in addition to drib the packet file inwards your mods folder in addition to await for it in-game. 
