Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Just To Clarify............

i noticed today that my earth WIP was posted on MS3B. i am real delighted that at that topographic point are some interested inward my earth merely i practise desire to stress that this is a WIP together with at that topographic point is aspects of it that volition alter which include the zoning of the trees/palms to practise a amend micro-town inside my world. i wanted to larn the edifice finished rootage together with then i could landscape some them making it expect to a greater extent than realistic, for the sims earth at least.

at that topographic point is nonetheless a mode to larn merely i practise promise to convey it done yesteryear june/july when i am on my mid semester intermission merely that could alter due to unforeseen circumstances together with i promise yous empathize that. i volition proceed posting pictures of lots together with areas i consummate every bit i larn together with then if yous would similar to run across this earth evolve your welcome to cheque it out together with comment.

Thank yous for yous fourth dimension :)

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