Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Sims Iv Expansion Packs Survey

Expansion Packs are integral portion of The Sims serial game together with nosotros all know this.News has leaked that in that location has been an official The Sims 4 Expansion Pack Survey past times invite solely – together with in that location are a whole arrive at of novel ideas that The Sims squad desire to hear your feedback on!

Your Sims volition get got the peril to experience a multifariousness of fully interactive careers that furnish exciting gameplay together with opportunities for yous to say all novel stories.  Directly command your Sims’ every activeness land they’re on the project together with sentinel every bit they create novel inventions every bit a Scientist, aid cure other Sims every bit a Doctor, or solve crimes every bit a Detective with other career options.


  • Doctor Career:  As a Doctor you’ll survive able to examine together with care for patients, perform surgery, together with deliver babies – all inside the novel Hospital.
  • Scientist Career: Create novel inventions inward the Science Lab, demeanour experiements on yourself together with others, together with perchance fifty-fifty uncover aliens, alien worlds, together with alien technology scientific discipline inward the dessert every bit a Scientist.
  • Detective Career:  You’ll survive able to investigate unique law-breaking scenes, volume together with interrogate Sims at the Police Station, together with patrol the streets solving crimes every bit the newest detective on the block.
  • Office Career:  As a sales practiced you’ll survive working the phones, gossiping inward the tiffin room, playing utilization pranks on your boss, together with closing large deals.
  • Maid Career:  As a maid for hire you’ll survive helping Sims locomote on their homes clean, but you’ll also survive learning their deepest secrets inward the process.
  • Personal Stylist Career:  Become a personal shopper together with outfit your clients with the latest fashions inward clothing, makeup, together with accessories.
  • Architect Career:  Using Build Mode, you’ll acquire to blueprint together with construct houses together with venues for all of your neighbors together with beau citizens of your town – for a fee of course.
  • Interior Decorator:  With an optic for interior design, you’ll acquire to blueprint Styled Rooms for all of your clients.
  • New Neighborhoods:  Travel to together with explore novel career based neighborhoods that get got offices, hospitals, etc., every bit good every bit novel collectibles that volition aid yous acquire the project done right.


Experience the life of an entrepreneur inward The Sims 4.  Build a multifariousness of dissimilar concern types together with handle both employees together with customers alike.  Create unique products, imbue them with exceptional sentimental valies, together with run your concern every bit yous run into fit.


  • Create & Manage H5N1 Business:  Design a store to attract the correct customers, fill upwards it with the correct items to motion sales, handle the concern past times hiring together with firing employees, together with advertise to gain to a greater extent than customers.
  • Create H5N1 habiliment Boutique:  Assemble custom fashions to sell inward your ain habiliment boutique.
  • Art Gallery:  Fill your fine art gallery with unique paintings together with photographs land managing it at the same time.
  • Bakeries & Cafes:  Create tasty treats together with sell them to other Sims inward your ain Bakery or Cafe.
  • Share Your Stores:  Share your businesses with the populace using the Gallery.  Can other players run your concern amend than you?
  • Photography Career:  Capture timeless memories with your photographic goggle box camera together with sell your images to the highest bidder to earn some Simoleons.


It’s fourth dimension for your Sims to experience urban heart together with soul living.  Meet gear upwards novel neighbors together with friends every bit your Sims alive inward a loft or aeroplane inward 1 of the many high rising buildings.  Your Sims volition survive able to cheque out the latest bands together with DJs together with trip the low-cal fantastic the nighttime away inward the novel rooftop nighttime clubs.  If yous experience inspired, you’ll fifty-fifty get got the chance to get-go your band together with endeavour to arrive big!


Experience the rising to fame with your Sims!  Have your Sim locomote the latest A-List actress, star pop singer, or hot shot cinema director.  You’ll also survive able to part films yous create on the Gallery for other fans to enjoy.  If living the life of a star isn’t your thing, yous tin locomote a freelance lensman together with gear upwards a fortune taking pictures every bit a paparazzi.


  • Become a Celebrity:  Climb the celebrity ladder to fame together with fortune.  Manage your paradigm together with online persona, sign autographs, relish the adoration of fans, or cover from the paparazzi.
  • Acting Career:  Your Sims volition survive able to perfom inward their ain movies – including activeness adventure, comedies, musicals, together with still films.
  • Singing Career:  Train those song chords to perfection.  Or don’t!  Being a pop vocalist isn’t but most beingness able to sing – yous get got to get got the popularity to dorsum it up.
  • Film Directing Career:  Produce that latest indie fine art film, or locomote all out for this season’s blockbuster.  When it’s complete, part it on the Gallery, together with get got your existent life firends vote yous to fame!
  • Photography:  Take abide by winning photos to aid celebrities improve their paradigm or utilize your photographic goggle box camera to grab celebrity Sims inward awkward situations every bit a paparazzi.
  • Hollywood Parties:  Throw exclusize parties together with command the exclusive invitee listing to ensure solely the H5N1 listing tin attend.
  • Explore the Studio Backlot:  Explore the Studio Backlot to uncovering dissimilar stages together with props to utilize inward your dissimilar films.


Help your Sims alive a healthier together with happier life!  Participate inward all novel wellness activities including emotionally soothing massages, mud baths, acupuncture, steam room saunas, together with personal training.  You’ll also get got the chance to opened upwards together with handle a wellness middle to spread wellness together with happiness, land earning some extra Simoleons inward the process.


Explore the mysterious populace of the Supernatural where you’ll survive able to create vampires, elementals, or fifty-fifty supernatural friends to aid yous some the house.  You’ll also survive able to uncovering mysterious run stones that allow yous to command the elements.  However, survive careful how your Sims live, or the dead may render every bit mischievous spirits to torment your Sims together with their emotions.


  • Vampires:  Play every bit a vampire where yous tin stalk, charm, or persuade other Sims to do every bit yous wish.
  • Spirits:  Spirits volition haunt together with get got over unsuspecting Sims together with objects, creating surprising stories for all.
  • Elementals:  Play every bit a Sim that has the ability over 1 of the iv natural elements: Fire, Water, Earth, or Wind.
  • Assemble H5N1 Monster:  Discover how to get together your really ain monster together with convey it to life.
  • Rune Collections:  Collect runes, larn their secrets, together with utilization them to command the elements.
  • Added Customization:  Customize your Sims’ appearances inward novel ways past times adjusting their fingernails together with fangs, editing their tattoos, together with customizing visual effects that your Sims acquire to bask in.


Create a vibrant together with evolving novel town for your Sims to explore!  Build out your town with novel venues including pop-up restaurants, java shops, farmers’ markets, with others.  Change the rules of your town past times becoming Mayor together with making your ain laws or utilization novel neighborhood editing tools to fully customize your town every bit yous run into fit!


  • Brand New Venues:  Visit a multifariousness of novel places some town including restaurants, java shops, together with laundromats.
  • Community Events:  Participate inward novel events happening all over town!  Buy fresh groceries from the famers’ marketplace position or get got a fancy dinner at an exclusive pop-up restaurant.
  • Be the Mayor:  Get into a career every bit a local politician!  Start off every bit a community organizer, setting upwards protests at the novel City Hall venue.  Get plenty back upwards together with locomote the Mayor, making novel laws that acquit on the whole world!
  • Customize the Town:  Decorate your entire town with the novel neighborhood editing tools.  Control which Sims take in the town together with fifty-fifty which ones displace inward with a multifariousness of novel options.
                                         ---Originally this listing posted past times Kylo at SimsGlobe "
Hey Guys & Gals,what would survive your favourite Sims 4 expansions from higher upwards category?

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