Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Sims 4: Showtime Expansion Pack Delayed Novel Content Promised

The showtime expansion pack for Sims four is existence delayed until at to the lowest degree Apr 2015 together with perchance much later.   
"The publisher likewise confirmed today that to a greater extent than or less other expansion for The Sims four has likewise been delayed to sometime inward financial 2016. EA did non render whatever farther details nearly the expansion."  —Gamespot
Whether that’s to larn the expensive, nevertheless embarrassingly buggy game “right” together with quit alienating fans or if it’s a sign they’re going to live on putting The Sims four out of its misery Soon™ ‘er than expected nosotros create non know.   
What nosotros create know is the showtime expansion pack is being worked on:
  • Taylor Parks, credited vocalisation thespian for The Sims 4, tweeted a confirmation they were working on an expansion   Source
  • Linkedin Confirmation  Source
  • Earlier this calendar month when asked if we’d live on getting Sims four expansions SimGuruDaniel responded, “Seems likely.” —Daniel Hiatt
  • Zerbu finds “Active Career” references inward The Sims four game files which corresponds alongside an official survey.   Source
And EA made statements promising additional content for The Sims 4.
"We convey plans to boot the bucket along delivering fresh content together with gameplay to the vibrant Sims community."  —Andrew Wilson
  • Sims four Expansion Delayed to FY 2016 — (forum thread)
Source:  EA

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