Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Fenrrick House

The habitation on the loma inwards the due north of Windenburg, this residence is quite large considering its looks. Its amazing what what overhangs tin john practise for the function past times floor! Anyway, this is i time again a to a greater extent than province habitation amongst or thence tudor influence amongst soft colouring to become far a footling to a greater extent than casual in addition to thence the metropolis buildings. Also in that place is or thence grassed expanse for a vegie while which is ever nice. 

The habitation features:
  • 5 bedrooms
  • 3 bathrooms
  • open innovation dining/kitchen
  • price: $36,336
  • 30x20 lot size
  • Unfurnished
This Home Uses content from:
  • Basegame
  • Get Together
  • Romantic Garden
  • Movie Hangout (only door)
Required Custom Content:

You tin john detect the household on the gallery nether my origin ID: peacemaker_ic. Be certain to plough on "custom content" filtering inwards advanced options.

If you lot don't desire to role the gallery, you lot tin john download the household from i of the download links below.

To install into your game, Extract the archive in addition to thence navigate to The Sims iv folder inwards My Documents. Find the Tray folder in addition to house ALL of the files you lot extracted from the archive into it. Open your game in addition to detect the habitation inwards your library, simply equally if you lot dl'd it straight from the gallery. Ensure "include custom content" is active inwards advanced options if lot includes cc.


Updated: Graciously Georgian Laid Upward Set

UPDATE 23/07/2016: I was made aware that the depression lod for the French, Wide, together with Double doors were displaying the missing texture icon due to wrong linking, that has been fix. It was solely a trouble concern if viewing the items from a fair distance away, but nevertheless, needed fixing. You tin redownload below, every bit good every bit the updated files separately. Thanks to Kanata2288 on twitter for letting me know most the issue.

It is endure finished: my kickoff unique laid of create trend items. I tend to to a greater extent than oftentimes together with then non  "go big, or larn home" together with this laid is no exception. This is what I telephone phone a sum create set, amongst matching interior together with outside items. The thought was to create a classic Georgian-style laid for role inwards everyday homes, both classic together with contemporary. Let me tell you, this was made harder given at that topographic point is no CASt, but I mean value I came upwards amongst a real usable set. To say I am proud of these objects is an understatement, particularly when I thought at i signal I would non complete it. But hither it is, thus you lot tin relish it every bit much every bit me.

Due to the length of these posts together with for relaxation of updating, you lot tin notice the download together with information nether the cut.

A few notes on this laid inwards regards to usability together with features:
  • Windows together with outside doors come upwards inwards ii woods versions: i amongst white on the interior, together with i amongst all wood. The fact that EA windows forcefulness me to direct keep woods within all the time, I fixed that here. The coloured versions all direct keep white trim back on the interior though.
  • Interior items practise non direct keep different colours for each side of the door dissimilar windows together with outside doors. 
  • Since drapery slots on windows are annoying, but or thus people silent similar them, I direct keep ii slot resources packages within the downloaded folder. When you lot extract together with open, select to proceed either the "PC-TS4-GraciouslyGeorgian-WithCurtainSlots.package" or the "PC-TS4-GraciouslyGeorgian-NoCurtainSlots.package" to accompany the remaining files. Instructions are included inwards the folder if you lot larn stuck.
  • Due to the sheer size of the textures, they are linked betwixt packages. This was done to proceed the file size downwards (and thus I didn't direct keep to upload thus much). You tin await at the packet sizes to meet what items are the parent, together with which ate linked to it. If you lot don't desire everything, only live mindful of where the textures are.
  • These are designed solely for modest together with medium superlative walls. Anything larger together with then that looked out of proportion. I volition non live expanding this laid whatever farther if you lot desire anything larger.
  • All custom lods together with textures together with compatible amongst the latest interior sunshadow patch.

The Build/Buy items feature:
  • basegame compatibility
  • non-default
  • 48 meshes inwards sum amongst betwixt 25 together with 35 colour/style options:
  • find items easily using phrase "Graciously" or "Georgian" in search bar (try this tutorial to easily notice my sets)
  • style (found nether "Double Gallery") together with color filter compatible
  • custom thumbnails
  • Style tool compatible
  • Pricing  and polycount every bit follows:
    - iv sash Full-length window (3 & iv tile) ($278/279, 1631)
    - iii sash Full-length window ($234, 1300)
    - ii sash Full-length window ($194, 936)
    - 1 sash Full-length window (1 & ii tile) ($153/154, 600)
    - iv sash Counter-height window (3 & iv tile) ($228/229, 1434)

    - iii sash Counter-height window ($184, 1136)

    - ii sash Counter-height window ($144, 844)

    - 1 sash Counter-height window (1 & ii tile) ($103/104, 552)

    - ii sash Loft-height window ($104, 844)

    - 1 sash Loft-height window (1 & ii tile) ($103/104, 552)

    - Full-height shutters (1 & ii sash) ($102/144, 756)

    - Counter-height shutters (1 & ii sash) ($92/114, 756)

    - Loft-height shutters (1 & ii sash) ($62/84, 660)

    - Narrow Entry Door (1 & ii tile) ($398/399, 1184)

    - Wide Entry Door ($460, 1564)***

    - Double Entry Door ($610, 2956)***

    - French Door ($500, 2200)***

    - Interior Single Door (1 & ii tile) ($328/329, 880)

    - Interior Double Door ($360, 1636)

    - Interior Glass Single Door (1 & ii Tile) ($348/349, 1072)***

    - Interior Glass Double Door ($380, 2020)***

    - Short Square Arch (1, 2, iii &4 tile) ($80/120/160/200, 340)

    - Medium Square Arch (1, 2, iii &4 tile) ($100/140/180/220, 412)

    - Short Curved Arch (1, 2, iii &4 tile) ($90/130/170/210, 496/576/664/736)

    - Medium Curved Arch (1, 2, iii &4 tile) ($110/150/190/230, 568/648/736/808)
***Note: Some of these items tin live considered "High Poly." So if your figurer can't handgrip high poly items, install at your ain risk. Curves are notorious for needing extra polys to await smooth, thus it is the trade-off when creating.

CC credits:
As usual, at that topographic point are ii downloads, merged together with separate. Because of how I direct keep made drapery slots optional, at that topographic point is also a .txt document inside. Be certain to read it i time you lot direct keep extracted the files together with follow the directions to select if you lot desire drapery slots or not.
The archives contains the packet file(s) together with trend images within a folder. Extract the archive using winRAR or WinZip, identify the packet file(s) inwards your mods folder, together with then await for them inwards your game. I promise you lot enjoy. No onedrive choice this time, only takes also long to upload to all these places. 



I direct keep also uploaded the files individually for those amongst the separated packages to download the items separately. There volition live no alternate download for these private files. 
Download Individual Items:


As y'all may accept seen visiting my blog, I accept been inwards the middle of a massive updating spree for my sets. This was mainly triggered past times the lighting update that Maxis released which broke a lot of cc lights, merely it was likewise an chance to update to a greater extent than or less tiddler issues every bit well. Graciously Georgian was the terminal gear upward that needed updating, then y'all tin dismiss no discovery all the updated items inwards their respective posts.

Remember, if y'all discovery an issue, delight allow me know. I don't pick out deal of everything as well as volition endeavour as well as assistance y'all figure out if its my content or an lawsuit on your side. Just recall to last specific, I can't assistance if I accept no data to become on.

Now dorsum to cc making.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Riverside Cottage

I actually don't similar working amongst small-scale lots. I experience virtually comfortable edifice 3-5 chamber homes on no smaller hence 20x30. However, larger lots are merely non every bit mutual inwards this game, hence I accept had to adapt. This is quite a large abode for this lot, but it looks at abode past times the small-scale river. I similar to regard the expanse around a lot to live role of a home, which makes the lot experience much to a greater extent than substantial. Its quite generous inside, fifty-fifty if its at the cost of exterior space. You tin rarely accept both infinite exterior in addition to within inwards this game, but its a trade-off I am willing to make.

The abode features:
  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • open excogitation dining/kitchen
  • price: $33,105
  • 20x20 lot size
  • Unfurnished
This Home Uses content from:

You tin honor the menage on the gallery nether my origin ID: peacemaker_ic. Be certain to plough on "custom content" filtering inwards advanced options.

If you lot don't desire to usage the gallery, you lot tin download the menage from i of the download links below.

To install into your game, Extract the archive hence navigate to The Sims iv folder inwards My Documents. Find the Tray folder in addition to identify ALL of the files you lot extracted from the archive into it. Open your game in addition to honor the abode inwards your library, merely every bit if you lot dl'd it straight from the gallery. Ensure "include custom content" is active inwards advanced options if lot includes cc.
